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AAHFN is committed to supporting research that benefits heart failure patients.

Research Goals

Aligned with the mission and vision of the AAHFN, the Research Committee supports the organization to facilitate the advancement of heart failure nursing science and scholarship fundamental to the transformation of nursing practice in various healthcare settings.

Research Committee Responsibilities

AAHFN Research Network

This is a private/monitored Facebook group designed to promote and facilitate collaboration and networking of AAHFN members by sharing and/or requesting information about research opportunities between nurse clinicians and nurse researchers. Request to join by logging into our Facebook Group. 

Abstract Writing Assistance

If you are interested in submitting an abstract and want to work with a member of the Research Committee before final submission, please complete the form that is on the abstract submission website, and a member of the Research Committee will contact you directly. 

Provide Guidance for Use of AAHFN's Membership for Research and Evidence Based Practice Initiatives

AAHFN supports the conduct of nursing and multidisciplinary research, which is aligned with the organization's strategic themes and research priorities. AAHFN allows access to the membership database for identifying potential subjects for research studies, evidence based practice projects or other scholarly endeavors. All requests must be submitted to the AAHFN National Office via email at information@aahfn.orgApproval will be granted by the AAHFN Research Committee.

Nightingale Award

The committee reviews and ranks submissions based on detailed criteria and makes a final recommendation to the sponsor of the Nightingale Award for final approval. The awardee is notified in the spring of each year and is expected to present at the annual AAHFN Conference in June.

AAHFN is professionally managed by Association Headquarters Inc., a charter accredited association management company.

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